Meet Bob Bruington, One of the Stars of Trails Magazine Issue 6
For Issue Six of Trails I was honored to interview and write a story about 71-year-old Bob Bruington. While perhaps not a well-known member of the national hiking community, Bob is a cornerstone of Backcountry Post, an online forum for hikers that mostly covers trips in the Mountain West. Bob dispenses advice—on routes, on gear, on life—almost daily, and his route finding tips for hikers seeking help planning off-trail excursions are treasured by the Backcountry Post community from Idaho’s peaks down through Utah canyon country. I hope you enjoy getting to know Bob just as much as I did, but before you crack open Issue Six here are some nuggets from our interview that didn’t make the cut.
Trails Magazine: Why do you hike?
Bob Bruington: It’s good for the soul. Most people have a more hectic life than me. People need to get out I think. It’s relaxing; [you can] rejuvenate a bit from all of the city hecticness. Hey, I say this but I don’t want all of the city to come out. [laughs]
TM: What’s your advice for hikers looking to plan an off-trail backpacking adventure?
BB: Research, number one. Don’t try to go too far mileage-wise in a day. Pay attention where water is. Know your limits. Know when to turn around.
TM: Do you have a hiking hot-take?
BB: I don’t really like these long trail guys. They get up at dawn and hike until dark. How much are they seeing along that piece they hiked? They’re hiking so fast because they gotta get there. And I’m more “Take it easy, see the scenery, enjoy it.”
TM: What have you learned on the trail over the years?
BB: Now, as I’m older, I tell people that they’re doing it the wrong way. I should’ve done the high-elevation trips when I was young. I can still do it, but I’m slower. The older you get, your feet don’t move as fast.
TM: Where do you want to hike next?
BB: I rarely ever go back to a place I’ve been. Because there are too many places. I can count on one hand the places I’ve been to twice.
Read more about Bruington in Trails Magazine Issue 6.
Photo: Izzy Lidsky