About the Issue 1 Reprint

When we printed Issue 1, almost exactly a year ago, this was all an experiment. Frankly, I had no idea how long all this would last or if it would succeed. Early on, not very many people knew about what we were doing, interest was small, and money was tight. When we finally got to the point where we could print anything, producing enough copies of our inaugural issue to have for the people who would find us down the road just wasn't an option. We printed 1000 copies because that's how many we could afford following our Kickstarter campaign and because that's how much interest we had at the time.

In the last year, a lot has changed. More and more of you have found us and picked up a copy (or two or three), become invested in the stories we're telling, and been eager for more of them. We were quickly able to up our print runs to get more magazines onto more coffee tables, but that means that many, if not most of you have collections that are just barely incomplete.

We've made it clear that we don't do reprints. Not because we want these magazines to be collectable or because we want to artificially inflate the value of older copies, but because, A, reprints are simply expensive and cost-prohibitive, and B, because we want to keep our focus ahead, on the stories that have yet to be told and the adventures you don't already know about. But it's become increasingly clear to us how unfair it is that so many of you have bookshelves featuring Issues 2, 3, 4, and shortly Issue 5, but not the one that started it all.

So, we're making an exception. We recently sent Issue 1 back to the presses for a 500-copy print run that we're calling the "Anniversary Reprint," available for pre-order now, exclusively for our subscribers. The magazine is identical to the one we printed last February (except for "Anniversary Reprint" on the cover), the price isn't changing, and the stories are all the same. We just wanted to get more of them out there, in your hands. Think of it as a thank you for helping us get this far.

These copies are available for pre-order now, only for subscribers, and will ship alongside Issue 5 later this month. By our best estimates, we're printing just enough—500 copies—to help many of you fill out your collections, but they will sell out, and when they do I can promise you we won't print any more. If you're already a subscriber, then head over here and order yours while you can. If you're not a subscriber, the best way to get one of these is to bundle it alongside a subscription, here.

I can't tell you how thankful I am to have been able to keep making these and, honestly, to be in a position where we need to print more copies of Issue 1 to satisfy readers like you. It's because of you that we're here, so I'm excited for a few more of you to be able to enjoy the issue that got it all started for us and to briefly look back, even as we continue down the trail ahead.

Thanks so much for reading,